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Chicken Katsu Mini Wraps

Chicken Katsu Mini Wraps - aka chicken katsu, spicy Mayo, avocado, mini tacos ? Please let me know if you think of a better name for these Regardless, these were amazing and I’d wholeheartedly recommend!

Serves: 4

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cook/bake time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 20 minutes


  • 4 chicken thighs, thawed

  • Canola oil-- a few cups

  • 1 egg

  • splash of milk

  • 1 cup rice

  • 1 cup panko bread crumbs

  • 1 package Seaweed Snack (we used the wasabi flavored one)

  • Furikake Seasoning (around 1 tbsp but feel free to do as much as you like)

  • 3 tbsp chili oil

  • 3 tbsp mayonnaise

  • 1 tbsp umami seasoning

  • 1 avocado


  1. Prepare rice as instructed.

  2. In a medium sized, deep pot, boil canola oil deep enough to fully submerge chicken thighs. Put over medium high heat.

  3. Add a splash of milk in a bowl with an egg, and whisk together. Add furikake seasoning to your panko bread crumbs and mix.

  4. Bread your chicken. Take chicken thigh and dip in the egg mixture. Then, lay it into the bowl of panko bread crumbs until breaded. Flip over to get both sides fully covered.

  5. Deep fry your chicken by placing it in the boiling canola oil. Let it deep fry for around 3 minutes. Flip the chicken thigh over. Fry for another 3 minutes.

  6. Create your spicy mayo by combining your mayonnaise and chili oil at a 1:1 ratio.

  7. Create your avocado mixture by mashing an avocado with umami seasoning.

  8. Thinly cut your fully cooked chicken.

  9. Take a seaweed snack, add rice, chicken, spicy mayo, and avocado onto it. Enclose it like a taco and take a bite!


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