<< serves 2 >>
<< 30 minute recipe>>
2 chicken breasts
5 oz Trader Joe's Spicy Cashew Butter Dressing
1 cup sliced carrots
1/2 cup sliced bell peppers
1/4 cup green onions, diced
1/4 cup cashews
Handful of cilantro to serve
1 package of frozen zoodles to serve
In a bowl or medium-sized container, marinade the chicken breast by soaking it in Trader Joe's Spicy Cashew Butter Dressing (enough to cover it, around 3 oz). Let it sit for 30 min- 2 hours
On an oiled pan over medium-high heat, cook the chicken for 3 minutes on each side. Add in the carrots, bell peppers, cashews, and green onions.
After the chicken is ready (around 8 minutes), remove it from the pan and cut it into cubes. Leave it to the side for now.
Add zoodles to the pan of veggies and mix together. They should cook for around 5-8 minutes or until soft. When they are almost fully cooked, add the cooked chicken back in to re-heat. Add more cashew butter if you want more flavor.